
In Ånge, there is a wide range of service-producing companies in both the private and public sectors. In addition to municipal care, logistics, and service businesses, there are also authorities represented, such as the National Archives and the Swedish Transport Administration. The complete directory of companies can be found in the Business Register.

Två personer som går i en korridor tillsammans pratande med gester

Ånge kommun
Ånge Municipality is responsible for a large part of the community services in the municipality. Among the most important tasks are preschools, schools, social services, and elderly care.

Torggatan 10, 841 33 Ånge
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Green Cargo

Green Cargo is Sweden’s most experienced operator in railway logistics and an important part of the business community. They transport raw materials from forests and mines around the clock.

Järnvägsgatan 3, 841 33 Ånge
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Webhelp, together with Concentrix, is a global leader in customer experience (CX), helping companies worldwide to grow.

Järnvägsgatan 3, 841 33 Ånge
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The National Archives is one of Sweden’s oldest authorities. In Fränsta, there is their digitisation centre for cultural heritage material.

Industrigatan 10, 841 72 Fränsta
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The Swedish Transport Administration is responsible for the long-term planning of Sweden’s transport system. In Ånge, there is the traffic control for railways.

Järnvägsgatan 7, 841 33 Ånge
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The Swedish Prison and Probation Service is a state authority responsible for remand centres, prisons, and probation. In 2025, the Viskan facility outside Ånge will reopen.
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MD Grävtjänst

MD Grävtjänst has been digging, driving trucks, and wheel loaders for 20 years. They handle everything from small assignments to total contracts.

Gissjö 337, 841 74 Fränsta.
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Business Directory

Here, you can search among all active companies and organisations in Ånge Municipality.