
Feeling like some activity? Here are some tips on things to do indoors. Activities are listed by parish, and addresses are linked to Google Maps, so you can easily find them.

Barn lekande i en pool

Torp Parish

Boda Borg, Torpshammar
A unique place with experience rooms filled with nerve-wracking challenges.
Bodaborg 100, 840 13 Torpshammar
0691-122 00
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Torpshammars herrgård, Torpshammar
SPA & Relax
Torphammarsvägen 10, 841 75 Torpshammar
0691-205 80
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Ljungandalens Bad och sport, Fränsta
Indoor swimming pool with children's pools, gym, and sports hall.
Badhusvägen 9, 841 71 Fränsta
0691-250 791
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Youth center
Badhusvägen 9, 841 71 Fränsta
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Barn tittar i en bildbok

Borgsjö Parish

Ånge Art Gallery and Library Ånge
Järnvägsgatan 3, 841 81 Ånge
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Konst och musik, Kulturbanken 2.0, Ånge
In the house, artists work with sculpture, painting, graphics, textile printing, ceramics, glass, and comics. Bands in various genres rehearse in the basement.
Åsgatan 14, 841 34 Ånge
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Cinema, Folkets hus, Ånge
Centralgatan 20, 841 33 Ånge
0690-150 90
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Ateljé Mari Ziden, Ånge
In the workshop, visual and glass art is created and displayed.
Jägargatan 9, 841 34 Ånge
070-323 74 74
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Fritidsgården Gröna Villan
Youth center
Fridhemsvägen 3, 841 32 Ånge
0690-25 02 70
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Ånge Zoologiska museum, Ånge
Collections of over 2000 birds and animals from around the world.
Köpmangatan 7, 841 34 Ånge
070-347 02 29
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Hembygdsgårdarnas museum, Borgsjö
Here are about 20 buildings moved from various places in the county, and activities are arranged both summer and winter.
Borgsjöbyn 187, 841 97 Erikslund
0690-100 32
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Slöjdmuseet, Borgsjö
Carved models in aspen and linden give insight into the everyday grind that is now history. Call for booking.
Västanå 237, 841 97 Erikslund
070-382 92 73
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Ice rink, Kastbergshallen, Ånge
Free skating available to the public. Kiosk and cafeteria.
Bågskyttevägen 25, 841 34 Ånge
0690-25 01 80
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Naturum Ånge & Tourist Office
Here, you can experience nature indoors and get information about most things in Ånge Municipality
Borgsjöbyn 137, 841 97 Erikslund
0690-25 04 50
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Ett rött hus med altan ut över vattnet 

Haverö Parish

Hembygdsgårdarnas museum, Haverö
17 old buildings, a museum with over 3000 objects, and a breathtaking view.
Säter 204, 841 93 Östavall
0690-301 37
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Eldnäsets flottningsmuseum, Kölsillre
Tools, photos, and documentation about the floaters' lives. Coffee service and various events in the summer.
Eldnäset 104, 841 93 Östavall
070-280 79 82
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