Haverö Parish

Haverö Parish, known for its beauty and rich fishing waters, constitutes the westernmost part of Medelpad and appears as a highland compared to the rest of the landscape. The settlement is mainly along Ljungan, but forestry has been the major industry.

At the outlet of Kyrksjön, where Ljungan divides into three streams, lies Haverö Rapids. Norrströmmen is the main channel of the rapids, attracting many recreational anglers with its rich water flow. Haverö Rapids are both a nature reserve and a culturally interesting environment. Further down the page, you will find more information about the towns marked on the map.

Here you can read more about Haverö Parish’s history.

En bensinstation med ett vitt litet hus


Östavall is a town located by the outlet of Ljungan at Holmsjön. It has its roots in the forest Finnish culture but became a minor central town with the forest industry when the sawmill and railway were established on the site.

In the village’s community centre, various events are organised, and a stone’s throw away lies Skogsvallen, the home field of Östavalls IF. Many exciting matches are held there during the summer.

En person sitter på en bänk på en träbrygga som leder fram till ett trähus


Along road 315 towards Klövsjö and Vemdalen lies the small village of Kölsillre, beautifully located in Ljungan's valley between Haverö Rapids and the western inlet of Holmsjön, which became a nature reserve in 1991. In the rapids, you can catch trout and grayling. At Haverö Rapids, there is a café.

Until 1968, timber was floated in Ljungan, and at Eldnäset - located in a protected area with ancient remains - there is a floating museum and café open in the summer, where concerts and other events are also held.

Storklackens nature reserve (follow signs on road 314) and Myckelmyrberget (signposted on road 315) are also worth a visit.

In Kölsillre, there is an active community centre association organising activities throughout the year. For example, a traditional auction is held on the second Saturday in July. In the neighbouring village of Säter, there is a local history farm with a museum, café, and Bed and Breakfast in the summer. A traditional local history festival is held there on the third Saturday in July.

En väg med grönskande väggren där det står en vägskylt. På ena sidan vägen är ett gult hus och på andra sidan ett rött hus. 


Ytterturingen, the second of the Turing villages on the border with Jämtland, offers a lifestyle characterised by close contact with nature. The work life reflects the character of the area, with many working in forestry, wood processing, and related sectors.

With its many lakes and waterways, Ytterturingen offers excellent opportunities for fishing and other outdoor activities. There is also a strong village community with local events and traditions that strengthen cohesion.

En väg med röda hus på vardera sida


Överturingen is Ånge Municipality’s westernmost outpost against Jämtland. The village is among the oldest in Haverö Parish, with traces dating back centuries. The area includes both older farms with outbuildings and residential buildings from the turn of the 20th century, giving the area its character. In the middle of the village is Träffpunkt Haverö, a pleasant country store with a café.